So I am attempting to use a little more technology in my life. I got back onto Pinterest, I really need to utilise this application because it will solve my clutter problem of my look books. But I am still not really feeling it, obviously alot of it comes down to the spare time I have. With a baby I do not have much spare time anymore, but I will continue to try and make Pinterest work for me :-D. I gave twitter a go for the second time, but I definitely do not have time in my life to keep up with twitter - so thats out! Finally we have instagram, I started an account last year but never really got into it. But I just restarted using it. I love taking photos of my baby, of course I am mindful of spamming Facebook with baby photos, but I figure I can spam instagram with her photos instead ;-).
I am on a proper spending ban at the moment as due to childcare issues I wont be going back to work for a couple of months more than expected, and since we want to go on a major overseas holiday next year best I dont spend all our money on clothes :-). Have I mentioned how I think Jessica Alba is my style icon?? She is amazing and obviously has access to a stylist as well as I am sure she doesnt get time to shop for all the clothes she has, I swear I have seen her in over 20 different jeans in the last 6 months as she rocked the coloured pants and did NOT rock the floral pants. UGH to floral pants, as this clip shows, even Jessica Alba cant make floral pants look good.