
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Culling and the virtual world

For the last week I have been doing a massive cull of everything!  Lots of wardrobe stuff, I am still being cautious but I am more open to doing another clothing cull at the end of Summer :-).  I gave all our cd's to Lifeline - Two boxes!  Thats a lifetime of cd's, but seriously since they have been loaded on iTunes we have never used a cd again and now we just buy our albums from iTunes electronically.  It was hard donating thousands of dollars worth of cd's, but since I haven't cracked open a cd for years they were just more clutter in our lives that needed to go!  I also donated all our renovation magazines, that was probably another box full - I figured we were done with renovation at the moment, and all these magazines are not only available from the library but they repeat all their content all the time anyway!  Next on my list is the rest of our books, we did a huge cull last move but I want to go through them again and this time Hubby has agreed that his can go as well.  YAY.

Though one thing I can't cull are all my look book folders, I have about six folders of all the looks I have ripped out of magazines over the years.  I thought that Pinterest would replace my lookbooks, but to be honest I don't have time for Pinterest - and i just don't love it!  So I am not bothering with Pinterest anymore and keeping my lookbooks.  Another reason is for some things - like music, I don't mind not having the physical thing anymore so am quite happy for my music to live in and be accessed from the virtual world.  But I actually really like physically opening my folders and going through the pages.  Its the same with books, I have a few on Kindle but its just not the same as a proper book, luckily nearly every book I want the library gets so it doesn't effect me that much.  Magazines are half half, at the moment I subscribe to the physical copies of Who, Allure and Glamour USA.  But I virtually subscribe via my Ipad to a whole stack like Harpers Bazaar, Marie Clare USA, Glamour UK, Cosmopolitan USA and ELLE use via the Zinio App.  I got all the subscriptions at mega cheap prices as well :-D, Zinio have some great sales you just have to keep your eye out for them.  I also just started subscribing to Vanity Fair which I bought via iTunes - it wasn't super cheap $38.99, but considering I cant seem to subscribe to the hard copy and to buy it at the news agency is $10 a month thats still a pretty good deal!  I also just accidentally subscribed to the USA magazine SELF.  I was renewing my Glamour subscription online when it said subscribe to SELF for only $35, I thought actually thats pretty cheap and I have always been interested in that magazine, so I pressed the subscribe button expecting to go to the details and it popped up 'subscribed'!!  Apparently it used my account and cc details since i was still in my account and now I am subscribed.  A little bit of an accident lol.  


Unknown said...

It always feels good to declutter doesn't it. You just feel so much freer I think. I like the idea of subscribing to OS mags online it makes so much more sense. xx

Everyday Girl said...

It does feel good to declutter :-D. I feel good that its all good stuff going to Lifeline as well, I often feel guilty about my lack of volunteering for charity etc so this makes me feel a bit better about contributing.

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