
Tuesday, 26 June 2012

BB cream -what the hell is it?

So for ages now all the beauty magazines have been going on about BB cream.  Garnier sell a cheap one at supermarkets.  I have been using Dove tinted moisturiser for about a decade, so have not been in a great hurry to try this.  But having recently run out of tinted moisturiser I decided to give this a go.  After a week I have been really happy with this, it goes on a lot better than the tinted moisturiser and feels wonderful.  My skin feels and looks a lot better barefaced as well!  You can read more about BB Garnier here: also see a review here:

At the moment I am reading a book called 50 lessons to find and hold happiness - Life's little detours.  Lesson number one is Life isn't fair but it is still good.  I love this as I always try to look at the positives and enjoy life every second as its so short.  Sometimes something seems like a burden until you turn it around to be thankful for it, the example in the book included being thankful for you job when you have a crappy day or don't enjoy it, be grateful that you have that job.  Sometimes putting things in perspective is a good way to snap out of a lull!


Kreamiblush said...

Hi Kelbelle! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please go to:

for more information x

Everyday Girl said...

Thank you Kristy :-). I am loving your blog!

ramastar said...

I have just started using the Garnier BB cream and I've been really happy with it!

Everyday Girl said...

It's been amazing for me RAmastar! The change in my skin has been really significant.

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