
Saturday, 8 October 2011

When Capitalism is masked as Frugality, Jewellery project and another sample down

Recently this article was marketed as a Frugality article:  Quite clearly this is an advertisment for the launch of a new Kmart range.  And in fact the blogger they feature Penny Chic blogs about Walmart fashion (American Kmart). Penny Chic's blog is actually really good and is a brilliant example of smart advertising in todays social networking environment.  I had actually thought Kmart had improved their shoe range recently to start matching Targets good range.

Today's Jewellery:
These black and gold bracelets are from Sportsgirl.  Cant remember how mcuh they cost.  I also wore a my gold watch and hoops but I am not including them in the project as they are investment pieces.

10 pan project sample project - two down:
This is a sample of Mariah Carey's perfume, at first I liked it because it was so different to my normal perfumes.  By half way through I couldnt stand the floral overtones and gave up on this.  Lucky it was free!

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